Caravans are another very visual and vocal way of gathering support and gaining the vote. More than once we have seen cars, with vans and buses interspersed, in long lines on the side of the road the aforementioned flags hanging out the windows. One time I realized, almost too late, that I was going to get caught up in one of these caravans and was able to find a side street to turn off avoiding any association.
The location of the church here, on the main road of the El General barrio, lends itself to a lot of noise at times. It's not uncommon to hear horns honking during church services typically it is a celebration of the latest favored futbol team's win. Usually the caravan is fairly short and not too much of a disturbance to the services.
Last night was a different story all together.
Brandon and I both help in Kings Kids on Wednesday nights. We had just finished with game time outside and the kids were getting settled in for the lesson time when we heard a lot of honking. Curiosity got the best of me, and Brandon. Since the same thing had happened during youth meeting this past Saturday we decided to take a look and see what was being celebrated.
What our eyes met was shocking and alarming!
There before us, mere yards away, flying high from the back of a flat bed truck was a gigantic communist flag. Other flags representing Che Guevara, the Frente Amplio party, and their presidential candidate Jose Mujica; all were nearly as big as the communist flag which clearly took center stage. I have never before seen a communist flag in person.
Chills ran down my spine as I stood there in stunned silence. I fought back the tears as I realized that for most of the people packed into those caravan vehicles humanism had become their god. Having their physical needs met is more important than having their spiritual needs met. And while seeking Utopia on earth they forfeit an eternity of residing in Heaven with the Lord.
That 4.7 km long caravan was a visual representation of souls here in Colonia who likely are completely closed off to the Gospel. I was alarmed as I recalled the whispered words that if this candidate wins we may likely see the end of missions here in Uruguay. I wondered if the churches here are strong enough, independent enough, and indigenous enough to survive without the missionaries? And what of the persecution that could very possibly follow?
As the last vehicle in the caravan passed, complete with all the aforementioned flags, I couldn't help but to imagine this same scene playing out in front of our sending church...on the streets of America. I felt compelled to tell Brandon to burn an image of what he was seeing into his mind and remind him that his voice, our voice, is important!
Writing this blog and thinking back upon last night I am reminded by God that the Gospel makes a difference! Jesus Christ saves! And HE is the hope we share with Uruguayans! May we be diligent and faithful to share the Gospel today, for we may not have tomorrow. James 4:14.
What a sad, and shocking post. We are praying for your family and others we know who are faithfully serving in Uruguay. It would be a terrible thing if the communists were in power there....
Yours in Christ,
Fort McMurray, Alberta
You are so right about burning that image in your head. It is what is beginningto happen in the streets of America. People or more worried about there physical needs being met than their spirtual needs. What a sad time we are living in and you are right our voices need to be heard. i tell my children almost daily "NO MATTER WHAT NEVER DENOUNCE THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST." I tell them no matter how bad it gets we have a saviour who loves us and we will be with Him someday. Keep praying the lord hears His peoples cries.
There wil be a day with no more tears and no more pain. we are blessed to have that HOPE.
Sorry so long and drawn out.
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