Monday, October 26, 2009

Run-Off Election Scheduled

Our first time to experience elections in Uruguay really wasn't too remarkable.  That's not to say that the time leading up to the elections was not alarming and eye opening.  With the exception that every of-age-Uruguayan must vote, election day in Uruguay passed much like it would in the States.

I'm still trying hard to understand the intricacies of the voting system here in Uruguay but I think I've got the gist.  Election is by popular vote.  Whichever candidate gets more than 50% + 1 of the vote, wins the election.  Simple in that respect.  If there is no one who gains the majority there will be a run off vote scheduled for a month later. 

That is the case this year.  And after seeing how close the vote was we are much relieved! 

It appeared that the Broad Front party, aka, communist party, would win the election.  In securing 47.49% of the vote they came very close.  The two conservative parties, whose vote combined totaled 45. 19%, will join their votes together to try to garner the majority, 50% + 1.  They have already announced which of their candidates will be on the next ballot. 

The Lord has offered us another month of prayer for the elections and we ask you to join us.  There are serious potential consequences to missions here in Uruguay if the Broad Front party were to win.  Their candidate is of the same mind and highly influenced by, H.C., the dictator in the northern country of South America.  I'm sure I don't need to elaborate further.

If you would like to read more about the elections I invite you to visit the Uruguayan newspaper  online at 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting us know; we will continue to pray.

"The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy." {Psalm 145:8}

Yours in Christ,

Patricia Paulichen
Fort McMurray, AB