Monday, January 29, 2007

Sneaky Little Buggers

Life on the mission field is a blessing, and we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves. So are the lice! I didn't come to Uruguay naive to the existence of those little creatures that live in hair. After all Kaitlin had them after our survey trip. Oblivious to this fact she went two months before we figured out those 1/4 inch size bugs were really lice. Gross!

"I'll not make that mistake again!" says me to myself and I. About three weeks into living here, after I watched all the girls furiously scratching their heads, I realized I hadn't checked the kids for lice. Oops. So out came the lice comb and off we went to the back porch to pull dozens of the creepy crawlers out of the girls hair.

Now a mere month into trying eradicate ourselves of this epidemic, that has now made homes in the boys hair too, I'm not any better than we started. So the boys have been sheered of their nice little boy haircuts. And the girls have bobs. Poor Isabel cried and cried when she discovered that she couldn't have a haircut like Daddy.

So are you all scratching your heads yet?

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