Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Borrmann Family Christmas Letter 2008

Heat, fireworks, bugs, and ice cream all are part of Christmas in Uruguay. It seems strange to think of summer weather in December, doesn’t it? For us, Christmas and winter weather go hand in hand, so when it is 90° outside, and hotter inside, it is difficult to realize it is just a few days from Christmas. This is our 3rd Christmas here in Uruguay! This month we completed 2 years here and we have definitely become more accustomed to life here, yet inexplicably we miss everyone more this Christmas than the previous two put together.

Thankfully, we have Jesus to remind us of the “reason for the season”. We are here in Uruguay because of Jesus and His great love for the world! His love for us is unimaginable as we ponder that He was born in humble stall, a far cry from the throne of Heaven. He knew His purpose was to become the final sacrifice for man’s sin. Jesus, the King of Kings, was not given a throne to rule upon, rather, He was rejected by those whom He came to save, and crucified upon a cross. The tiny baby we celebrate is the man Jesus that became the Savior for all who will believe in Him and confess Him as their Savior. What a precious gift!

“That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Romans 10:9
“But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23b

In the past year the kids have become nearly fluent in Spanish, and our Spanish is improving slowly and surely. After a change in Adeline’s medicine, to one we need to import, her asthma, though not totally under control, is improving. Brandon has shown no signs of his kidney disease this year! Kaitlin became our 2nd teenager while Bethany reached double digits in Feb, and Brandon turned 16 in Aug. Nehemiah joined the ranks of our children who were in school. It was so quiet at home with only 3 little ones. Isabel sat in the room while Nehemiah learned his letter sounds and is looking forward to school in March. At only 3, Simeon seems to have found his life mate in his little Peruvian friend, Keren. The two are inseparable and Simeon keeps talking about when they get married. J Silas turned one in November. He keeps us amazed as he copies the motions of the song leaders. And because of his Uruguayan citizenship we all received our legal residency by September.

Kaitlin is becoming a remarkable musician; she has begun playing piano for congregational singing and accompanying special music as well as playing her bells in the orchestra. Brandon is learning to play the trumpet and Bethany the piano; they are both doing remarkably well. Bethany has played a few offertories alone and with others, while Brandon is working on an offering with his friend who plays the trombone.

Scott taught the men throughout the winter about Christian marriage. Debbie taught the ladies Bible study for the past year. Brandon continues on as the game director for Kings Kids. And Kaitlin is a preschool Sunday school teacher. To see our children take an active part, along with us, in serving God out of love for Him is a tremendous blessing to our hearts!

Scott is overseeing the ministry here for the next year while our coworkers are on furlough. He is hoping to work up to preaching at least once a week. Already in the plans for 2009 are: 2 weddings, youth camp, Children's VBS, ladies meetings, home Bible studies, a full school year of Sigma, a fuller Bible institute year, a new church plant and a visit from an evangelist friend and his family. Plus a dream of ours to visit Israel will be realized this May when we take an early 20th anniversary trip. We are thankful to the Lord for the past year and we look forward to the year ahead. Thank you for your love for us and for your prayers!

Serving the Christ of Christmas,
Scott & Debbie Borrmann and
Brandon, Kaitlin, Bethany, Adeline,
Nehemiah, Isabel, Simeon and Silas

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