Thursday, July 03, 2008

You and Your Heart

Winter camp was kicked off last night in prayer meeting. The guest preacher, Pastor Cristian, a Peruvian church planting missionary serving the Lord in Montevideo, challenged us with having the right attitude during trials. Pointing out that we need to have confidence in God in the midst of our trials instead of fretting or questioning.

We expect at least 45 campers. Please pray for all to surrender the will of their hearts to the will of God. Pray they will see clearly any areas they need to change in their lives. These are the ones that we ask that you pray for specifically:

Federico- Is Melissa's brother, he is still going to the Mormon services, and needs to be saved.
Sabina, Eva, Yeni (pronounced Sheni) and Caren - they seem to have little desire or thirst for the things of God.
Dario - has recently returned to church after 3 years of not attending.
Jimena has not been in church for a few months.

I will be staying at home with the younger kids, but plan to go to camp tomorrow for the day. Pray for safety as I drive there and back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow....Dario came back! What a blessing!