Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Pray for Hector

Early this morning Pastor Archie received a phone call that one of the young men in the church had been injured. Though we aren't exactly sure of the circumstances Hector was found about an hour after he fell off the main bridge into town. He was taken from Colonia into the capitol this afternoon with serious injuries. We were told that he had a broken pelvis and bleeding in his head.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for Hector. This is Silvana's brother correct? Just to make sure I am thinking of the same guy.

Debbie said...

It is Leticia's, Pocho's wife, brother.

Anonymous said...

Yes...isn't Silvana part of that family too?? Maybe I am off my rocker. Any update? I sent you an email that I think you'll like.

Debbie said...

I just asked Kaitlin and she said she thought so. His last name is Gentile, if that helps. I'm still learning everyone's names and family relations. It's like learning Spanish, takes a while to click.

Anonymous said...

No worries...I think I have it figured out. :)