If you were in Buenos Aires, Argentina yesterday you may have heard those words uttered in awe of the first snowfall in nearly 90 years! Across the water in Colonia we only saw some flurries. Scott called it the river de-effect, somewhat like the lake effect in the USA but it works opposite. Of course that's only a theory. At any rate the weather forecasters can now pat themselves on the back as their predicted snow finally fell.
Scott and I spent the afternoon and early evening making a grocery run to the capitol. Groceries are often much cheaper in Montevvideo, not to mention we can usually get some goods imported from the USA - like Betty Crocker baking mixes, or cremora coffee creamer, and the best yet Kraft Mac N' Cheese. We needed a "date" so we used this as an excuse. Plus, we got to give the van another good long drive.
I was enjoying my McDonald's Cuatro de Libre meal when I thought I saw someone I recognized. It turned out to be the Perez family who was returning home from their winter vacation in Treinta y Tres. Our shopping time ended together and we headed home in caravan. It was a good thing too as 40 minutes from home we heard a sound. It wasn't just me saying, "What in the World is that?", it was the sound coming from the left front tire. The wheel bearing went out and so we transferred luggage from the Perez vehicle into our van then the perishable groceries and ourselves into the Perez' vehicle for a very tight ride home.
Scott spent all of today trying to fix the van, but that's another post (maybe Scott will write that one). I'll end this one by thanking the Lord for His perfect timing in bringing the Perez, to the capitol when we needed them.
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