HAPPY 4th!!! Our family (and all American Citizens in Uruguay) was invited to an open house at the US Ambassadors home but we missed it as we had no transportation. Maybe next year.
The Perez' are gone this week for winter vacation, so we will celebrate tomorrow as a family. Our plan is to BBQ, we bought our steaks from the butcher next door and Scott found fresh mushrooms. And maybe we'll take a ride in our new wheels - that's right the Lord directed Scott to a very nice van (pictures to come). We might even find some firework to set off.
It's so cold here right now it's hard to remember it's July so I decided to scrapbook. I thought you all would enjoy the patriotic layout of Simeon I did on the computer. I'm thinking we need to put up the Christmas tree and wrap some presents. As you all are swatting mosquitos and wishing for the AC we'll be bundled up in our winter gear by the fireplace. We hope you all enjoy your Independence day celebrations...fireworks, BBQ's, and all the Red, White and Blue.
Remember to thank God for the freedom we have in America. It's a wonderful heritage not to be forgotten.
Very cute! What do you use to do online scrapbooking?
Thanks Sandy! I use Photoshop Elements 5.0.
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