Monday, November 02, 2009

The Beacon September/October 2009

Close to the Finish

The Lord has richly blessed us throughout our first term. We have learned to lean harder on the Lord.  He continually gives us a greater ability to speak Spanish.  And we are better able to minister to Uruguayans. The effects of culture shock have lessened.  Our burden for the people of Uruguay is even greater.  
Though we are busy preparing our belongings for storage and we anticipate being home again, we continue on in the work God has called us to.  And the month of November looks very promising! 

Debbie will be finishing up pastor’s wife classes with two of the ladies here.  She has enjoyed the time of sharing what she has learned from God’s Word as well as the practical aspects of being a pastor’s wife.

Bible institute classes end on the 7th.    We will be having our annual Asado (BBQ) for the students and their families on the 21st.  Sebastian and Juan Carlos will officially graduate with their four-year degrees during the anniversary Sunday services expected to be held in January. 

The youth will have the entire service on the 8th.  They will usher, lead music, play and take up the offertory, sing the special music, and Brandon will be preaching.  SIGMA awards will be presented at the close of the service.  

To the Harvest” missions conference will be the 11th-15th.  Jeremy Estrema, missionary in Argentina, is the preacher.  Our prayer is that God will use this time to strengthen the burden of the people here for missions.  We also pray that there will be better understanding of and an increase in Faith Promise commitments to help support a new work upon the Perezes’ return.  

The COLA WARS youth rally will be held during the missions conference.  We are hoping to use this as a time to put action to our words by immediately reaching into our Jerusalem.


Our first presidential elections in Uruguay were interesting and very eye opening.  The favored candidate, Jose Mujica, didn’t gain the majority vote, so there will be a run-off election on November 29.  Mr. Mujica, a strong communist and former member of the Tupamaros, a guerrilla group who took over in the ‘70s, is also  friends with Hugo Chavez, dictator of Venezuela.  There are rumors that if he wins, he will eliminate missions here in Uruguay.  Please pray God will intervene.   

Brethren, pray for us:

Furlough begins Dec. 5we will be in 5 airports.
Strength to get through this last month
God’s direction for a future church plant here in Uruguay
That Debbie can get her needed MRI before we leave Uruguay

Giving glory to God:

Isabel trusted Christ as her Saviour!
For our prayer warriors
For our supporting churches


Susan said...

Your family is on our prayer board. so glad to hear you are close to furlough.

Debbie said...

Thank you for praying for us and putting us on your prayer board, what a blessing!