Monday, November 09, 2009

Youth Night part 2

Kaitlin playing the offertory.  Her ability to play the piano has increased exponentially in the last year.  It was exciting to see her playing arrangements of intermediate level music.   

Jony leading congregational singing.

Yeny, Eliana G, Eliana Q, Maria Eugenia, Elizabeth, and David singing the special music.

Brandon preaching for Genesis 12 about how even little things will affect our lives, and lives of others as well.  Abram's half truth was still a lie.  That "little" lie led to other lies and even retelling the same lie but to someone else.  He reminded us that we need to be faithful in going to church, reading the Bible, prayer, meditation and doing what we learn.  He applied what he preached by asking how we would like to know that a decision we made negatively affected the whole world for thousands of years.  There were several decisions made for the need to be faithful.  We praise God for His enabling Brandon to preach as he was very sick yesterday morning and we prayed all day for God to give him the strength he needed. 

The six top verse memorizers - Nacho, Eliana, Elizabeth, Paola, Kaitlin and Belen.

Yeny was one of seven young people who received an award for faitfulness in devotions.  She along with Belen, Brandon, Eliana G, Elizabeth, Kaitlin and Paola did more than 80% of their daily devotions.

We honored the faithfulness of our youth leaders by giving them Character Awards.  Pastor Daniel - Dependability, and his wife Amparo - Enthusiasm.

Sebastian - Contentment, David - Availability

Pastor Andres - Joyfulness, Maria Eugenia - Boldness.

The youth leaders then gave their Character awards to each of their teens.

Our youth group and leaders excited about all their hard work.

Kappa Theta Fishermen - Alvaro, Pastor Andres and Maria Eugenia, Kaitlin, Eliana, Yony, Mauricio, Yeny and Flavia.

Chi Alpha Gideons - Paola, Tatiana, Pastor Daniel and Amparo, and Nacho.

And the winners are the Nu Delta Trastornadores - Mauricio, Brandon, David, Elizabeth, Eliana, Belen and Sebastian!  Great job guys!

Brandon with his "preacher-only" soda...a proud moment in his life. :-)

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