Saturday, July 11, 2009


Until recently, when the H1N1 Swine flu hit the world, the word QUARANTINED seemed to be reserved more for a virus on our computers than for daily life. I wonder how many young people are just learning that term as it relates to people and real live viruses.

Uruguay, like many other countries world-wide, has been hit by the Swine flu. As long as it stayed warm the virus seemed to be held at bay but once it turned cold here (we are in winter now) it really took off. The government here has stopped reporting on cases because in late June it reached a pandemic state. So the reports vary from a couple hundred to close to two thousand confirmed cases. We also are experiencing an outbreak of the Type A flu.

Honestly, the whole swine flu thing really hasn't worried me. I might be completely off base but it seems to me that the reason this is receiving such attention is simply because the actual virus was detected. In other words this could be a typical year of flu, as far as everyone knew, had someone not tested positive for the H1N1 virus.

I do know that the last two winters we have had here we have been sick and there have been bad flu viruses each winter we've been here. So is it possible then that the H1N1 has been out longer than we've thought? I'm not trying to spread conspiracy theories just thinking out loud.

At any rate, we have the flu. Which one we don't know but it has hit our house. Wednesday morning Silas came down with a high fever and diarrhea. Wednesday night it hit Isabel. Thursday night Brandon became the latest victim. Yesterday it hit him very hard, within an hour his fever skyrocketed and he began having hallucinations. Scott came home from the youth retreat to get some things and I let him know about Brandon. Fifteen minutes later they were at the hospital in the ER waiting to be seen when Brandon had a seizure.

Scott was talking to him when he had the seizure and later told me he's never been so scared. I was personally stunned with the news. We have dealt with countless high fevers and never have had them accompanied by seizures. I will definitely be more proactive about fevers now.

While in the ER the doctor, believing Brandon has the flu, ran some blood tests to check Brandon's kidney function. You may remember that with his kidney disease viruses tend to affect his kidneys in a profound way. This time was no exception. Blood, protein and white blood cells were found in his urine. The blood tests revealed a high white blood cell count. So in addition to the flu Brandon has a kidney infection.

And here is where the QUARANTINE comes in, Brandon was sent home with a face mask and explicit instructions that he stay indoors and away from anyone else for 10 days. He has been told to rest for the entire time. If his fever goes back up, or doesn't end within 48 hours, he has to go back to the ER.

So today is Saturday and I'm waiting for the next victim though I'm really hoping our personal epidemic is over.


John Mark and Deborah Steel said...

We'll be praying for you and have also shared your post with friends of ours and of Uruguay!

We've enjoyed reading your blog from time to time, learning of your ministry there. I actually grew up in Uruguay (Don Garwood is my dad), and my husband John Mark and I and our little Elizabeth are starting the deputation trail to go to Uruguay as well.

May the Lord bless you richly as you continue to look to Him!

Love in Christ,

Deborah Steel

Debbie said...


Thank you for reading our blog. I just met your parents, and your brother on the 4th. They showed me your picture and told me about your family starting deputation to come to Uruguay! That's exciting news!

I look forward to meeting you someday. And trust that your deputation ministry will be a blessing to you and those you minister to.