A few years ago, when I first studied the Tabernacle in depth, I was overwhelmed! All of the measurements, the building instructions, and the needed supplies were hard to keep straight. What made it worse was that we were leading a group of teens in their study of the Tabernacle in order to help them build their own scale model.
Soon enough that feeling of being in way over my head departed and the desire to conquer the project and learn took root. As I opened up my Bible and read, re-read, and read again Exodus 25-30, then supplemented that reading with commentaries and artists renderings, I began to see a recurring theme... God gives us all we need to know and worship Him! We just need to read, study and be willing to listen and learn.
So many times over the years I have been thankful to the Lord for the things I learned as Scott and I worked with the youth during our last few years of Bible college. One of the many things I caught was the burden to teach young people to love their Bibles. To dig into the riches that can be mined within the treasure of the Word of God. Then, like Christ, they can increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)
This weekend we gave 10 adults and 30 young people the same opportunities we were given years ago. They all rose to the challenge and used the talents and skills God has gifted them with to recreate 2 scale models of the Tabernacle. Each team had a different strategy for completing their assignments. And some teens took the challenge more seriously than others. But we trust everyone learned something new about God. And at the very least every time they read about the Tabernacle they will have this experience come to mind and they will rejoice in who God is!

1 comment:
What a great idea! I've been wanting to do a study on the tabernacle and the temple just because there is such detailed and specific instructions from God about how they were to be constructed. Needless to say, I have not done it yet. The process of building a replica of the tabernacle following the instructions given in the Bible must have been very helpful for the youth. I'm sure it would be even for any adult too...visuals are always an aide in learning. Thanks for keeping us up to date with your ministry in Urugauy!
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