Scott, Brandon, Adeline and I, and Rebeca
Valiente all headed to Montevideo yesterday morning so we could accomplish some things before Adeline's
pulmonology appointment at 7pm. Rebeca, who is from Peru, is getting married to one of the men in the church on the 20
th. Her sister is on her way, from Peru, with the fabric for her dress. She will be left with less than a week to have a dress made. Need I say more? So we took Rebeca to different Bridal stores so she could look for a rental. She couldn't find anything that was modest, or for rent. So I'm sure she would appreciate your prayers for her dress to be nicely sewn this coming week.
We also had to purchase some school supplies for the upcoming school year that begins on March 3rd, if we have our Paces from the States. Our room downstairs is slowly being turned into a school room and so we also needed to by supplies for me as I will teaching/supervising my kids again. I'm not sure how I'll get everything accomplished this year, but I know I can do all things through Christ!
VBS was another thing to tick off the list. Thankfully we were able to find some great costume stuff. I still need to buy some fabric and cut out belts and
bandannas for our teachers. I was able to find 4 gifts for the verse winners of the week.
Kaitlin and Bethany have birthdays coming up this week. I knew I had to find their gifts in
MV as well. I did. Hope they like them.
After having lunch at
McDonald's and dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant in the mall we headed to Adeline's
pulmonology appointment. I can't tell you how pleased we are with this doctor. She really cares about Adeline and her health and understands that we are not totally ignorant to Adeline's asthma and allergies.
She was surprised that we had to import Adeline's medicine but completely agreed with the decision and will be talking to Astra
Zeneca, the manufacturer, to ask them to import the medicine for us. If they say no, she said we can go to the ministry of the interior to get their approval for it to pass through
eduana (customs). And if that fails we can try a diplomatic import through our embassy. Right now she has 3 more months of
meds so we need to get another shipment ordered soon. We would appreciate your prayers for this.
As she was looking at Adeline's x-ray she turned and asked, "Was she sick when this was taken?" She wasn't, that was in the midst of her 4 month long crisis. She explained that she had a lot of
mucous in her lungs that shouldn't be there, and that also concerned her.
Adeline as been told she needs to exercise for 30
mins everyday - jumping on the trampoline, running, etc. She already is very active so this won't be too hard for her. The idea is to expand her lungs to help break up the junk so she can cough it out.
She has a recheck appointment on May 7
th. Before then we need to get more x-rays and another lung function test. When people with asthma inhale stomach acid they have severe asthma flare ups, so she will also have a
esophogeal reflux disease) test done.
We also have a referral to another allergist. This one only sees adults but her pulmonologist thinks he will accept Adeline as a patient.
Thank you all so much for all your prayers for Adeline! And for us as we work through red tape to get her the medicine she needs for good health.