Thursday, February 12, 2009

Scrapbooking Resolution

With all we have had going on in the ministry there has not been much time left for anything else. Not always a good thing. I have been neglecting my hobby of digital scrapbooking which gives me an outlet of energy and allows me to express myself creatively.

As hard as it may be I'm making a New Years Resolution (in Feb) to scrap something every Monday. If I actually pull it off I could get so far on all my kids scrapbooks.

The pictures on this page were taken by our new resident photographer, Kaitlin. Scott had taken me out for a date and we stopped in at a very nice salon to have my hair done. I was trying to get pictures of my new hair-do but Silas was outside and loves to have his picture taken too. I was asking him to give me kisses he always puts his head to my lips so he gets the kiss. Little stinker! The pictures turned out very sweet even if he does play shy! Credits:
Back ground photo was turned black and white, cropped, and opacity lowered.
I used the create function in PSE 7.0 and added an effect to the background.
Word art is from R Penns Express Yourself kit
Flowers at bottom and butterflies are from Shabby Princess’ promise kit.
Frames around smaller pics are PSE custom shape tool.

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