Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Just wanted to remind everyone to vote. Scott and I voted from thousands of miles away. It was a privilege to vote for a couple reasons. Living in a foreign country a North American quickly gains a sense of how unique and special our country is. There are countries where voting is mandatory. There are countries where voters are in danger when they head out to the polls. There are countries where the vote doesn't really count. I am thankful that is not the case for the citizens of the United States. The only time our vote doesn't count is when we don't vote.

And that brings me to the second reason we were privileged to vote. For quite awhile we thought our absentee ballots would not arrive. Scott's ballot arrived several days before mine. My ballot was sent to our church then had to be resent last week via airmail. I was sweating it because I have not yet missed voting in a Presidential election in 20 years.

Now today as we await the results of who will be our next president, we pray fervently that God's man will be elected. Yes, we believe that man will follow Biblical principles in his practice and in his politics. One man obviously does not even though he calls himself a Christian. So to us, it was clear whom we must vote for. Christian, we pray it will be just as clear to you as you step into the voting booth today.

Note: I am refraining from listing who we support, not because we are ashamed of our vote, but because we are missionaries on a foreign field it may be unwise to do so.

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