The 2008 US presidential election will go down in history.
The history of the first black man being elected president; which is without question a remarkable accomplishment.
The history of a presidential race in the midst of financial turmoil. The far reaching global affects of both are yet to be seen.
Personally, I'm thankful that God is in control! I could speculate as to why He allowed for Obama to be elected. But that would be speculation. And who can know the mind of God? None other than God Himself.
I do know from personal experience that God works in ways we cannot understand. Sometimes in the midst of a trial we are tempted to ask where He is. No doubt many of us woke up this morning wondering what we have in store for us. Where exactly Obama's administration is going to take our country is unknown to us, but not to God.
Let's rest in Him and trust in Him. Let's continue to pray for God's mercy on our country and for revival. Finally, let's remember that God is in control. "The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water, He turneth it whithersoever He will." Proverbs 21:1
Very well put. As a missionary to a foreign country, what concerns come to your mind that those of us in the States might not think about?
Have a great day!!
That's a toucgh question to answer. I am a person that tends to avoid the news. I don't like all the current media trends - global warming, demands of personal rights, murder of innocent babies, and so on that all direct peoples hearts and minds away from God and His holiness and to their own selfish desires and fears.
So that said, the current financial crisis definitely has us on our knees. God has been good to keep our support up and we have not been lacking, but we must be thinking ahead. Some speculate that the current financial problems in neighboring Argentina may cause another collapse in the economy here as was experienced a few years ago. My thoughts always go toward caring for my family in such a time.
I admit that even though I have seen God work in miraculous ways on our behalf I have wondered how He will continue so if Christians are out of jobs, homes, etc. But then I remember WHO God is. Although those things would limit us they do not limit Him.
Mainly though I pray for revival there in the US. And rest in God's sustaining grace!
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