Friday, October 17, 2008

Adeline's Asthma

Ever since Adeline played with the egg and peanut laden toy, back in April, we have not been able to gain control over her asthma. After she was back in the ER for the second time I was able to convince the doctor, by showing him her peak flow readings, that her asthma is not under control.

I tried to express my concerns with him that either the medicines she is currently taking are not effective for her, or they are bad - not what they are supposed to be, and/or we are dealing with something more than normal asthma. He agreed and wrote referrals for her to see a Pulmonologist and an Allergist.

Monday we will head into Montevideo for her appointments. They are actually spread out over two days with one on Monday afternoon and the other on Tuesday afternoon. Please be in prayer that we will be able to effectively communicate with the doctors, that God would help them to discover what really is happening with her, and for traveling mercies.

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