We all remember seven years ago when for the first time, at least for my generation, we experienced the fear of being under attack on our own shores; The wondering of what was coming next; The concern of just how many planes had been hijacked and how many more buildings would be destroyed; The realization that thousands of lives were sent into an eternity. It was a day we will never forget.
Until someone told us, or we heard the reports over the news, many of us were oblivious to the terrorist attacks. And when we did realize what was happening, the day was so extraordinarily beautiful that it was difficult to really believe something so horrific could be occurring.
We felt better knowing the planes were grounded and, other than military patrols, the skies were void of air traffic. There was a certain odd feeling though when we gazed into clear skies no longer streaked by jet exhaust. Then came the ominous, disquieting feeling of having the world we've always known come to an end.
Those who had loved ones in New York and Washington DC experienced the range of emotions of intense grief for those who lost a loved one to intense relief for those who knew their loved one was safe. We grieved and rejoiced with them both.
And then the war began. One on our own shores and one abroad. The frustration of losing certain freedoms - traveling by air with nail clippers, baby bottles of formula, medicines, etc. The questioning fear about every middle eastern person boarding a plane.
Still today, seven years later, the experience of September 11 seems almost like yesterday. Today, we remember those who lost their lives, those who sacrificed their lives to try to stop what seemed to be inevitable, those who searched for survivors and those who go to foreign shores to protect our shores.
Today, we remember!
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