Saturday, September 27, 2008


This past week's devotions were on gratefulness. Tonight's message focused on the theme of this weeks devotions reminding the young people to be grateful. One of the passages used was Esther chapter six, which holds a treasure trove of lessons we could learn about gratefulness...faithfulness....meekness...pride....

Because King Ahasuerus was grateful that Mordecai saved his life, he honored Mordecai. After Mordecai was honored he went right back to sit at the king's gate (faithfulness). Because Esther was meek towards her husband the king he honored her by allowing her to make a request of him. And as a result of Haman's pride he was hung on the very gallows he had made to murder Mordecai, and all the Jews including Ester.

I'm not really sure if all that was preached on tonight because the young man who was preaching speaks so fast that often I get about a quarter of what he says. So the above is just my input on things I learned while studying this chapter for the past couple weeks.

Even though I didn't understand all the message I really enjoyed tonight's youth meeting. I was so encouraged that I got to listen to verses said by teens who are faithful in their walk with the Lord, but also (especially) by teens who have really been struggling. The teens collectively said 190 verses this past week. There were several chapters of Scripture that were quoted. Twenty-six young people completed their weekly devotions. And on one team everyone completed their devotions for the week. Praise the Lord! Keep praying!

PS. For all the interested SIGMA teens and workersthe Black team won last week, while Blue won the Devotions and the Game, and Red won the Verses. Oh yeah, brother Jim, now I understand how that happens!

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