You wouldn't think that such a question would bring people to tears but around here you never know what will happen. I certainly never imagined that someone would come to me with dentures to inquire of their owner. But that's exactly what happened last week after our ladies meeting.
One of our ladies lost her lower dentures, and apparantly didn't realize she was toothless. Imagine my surprise when a deacons wife held them up in my face. Uh, gross! Evidently the expression on my face was enough to get the ladies laughing. That led to all kinds of jokes which soon had all of us crying because we were laughing so hard.
Have I told you yet how much I love these ladies? I love their humor, their joy in the Lord, and their ability to laugh. I love that they have wrapped their arms around me and pray for me and help me while I adjust to living here. I love that they are so willing to sit for an hour to gain some truths from the Bible about how they should live for God. I especially love that after teaching my class all in Spanish, from my mind (no notes, except for the discussion questions), the ladies were so encouraging in spite of my many mistakes. God has richly blessed me!
Now that had to have been a strange experience. I think I would have been laughing with the rest of the ladies. So Fun!!!
Oh, trust me it was definitely strange! I couldn't understand some of the jokes but thankfully laughter is the one language which transcends all others.
Hi Debbie,,,This is Caree Clark (Wigle) I happen to run across scotts profile on classmates.com and found your blog page...I have been wondering about you for years and I am so glad you guys are doing great... Scott, you and the kids look great... That is so neat you are in another country spreading the word of the god..well email me so we can talk more.. barrelgirl1c@yahoo.com..Caree
Wow, Caree, I was just thinking of you and actually tried to find you. Glad you found me! Thanks for stopping by the blog, it's a great way to get updated on us. We love serving God here in Uruguay. God has given us the desire of our hearts. I'll write you an email.
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