Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hanging out with Naomi.

Adeline and Bethany took Naomi on a tour of our neighborhood. The kids call this the marshmallow house.

Naomi with Silas and behind them is the old entrance to the city of Colonia del Sacramento, complete with a drawbridge and dry moat.

At church, this is Melissa, one of Kaitlin's friends, with Naomi.

These guys are waiting for their birthday presents from Naomi. They got all kinds of goodies. As I write Adeline is enjoying her learn to draw DVD and she's quite the artist.

Silas loved Naomi! Inevitably he ended up like this - zonked out on her shoulder. He misses you, Naomi, we can't get him to sleep like you did.

Adeline enjoys reading to Silas. She takes him to her room, lays him on her bed and reads to him. He loves his story time with her.

Me and Naomi on the lighthouse.

Inside the catholic church in the historic part of Colonia del Sacramento.

Ready to do some sliding. The last time we toured the old city, with Pastor Wagner, the kids discovered that this hill is great fun to slide on. So when we went through with Naomi they could hardly contain themselves and wait for this picture session to be over with. As for me I can't look while they slide. What you can't see it the nearly verticle angle on the hill. No thanks!

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