Friday, April 18, 2008
Whose are these?

Sometimes you feel like a nut...Part 2
It was really a good thing I decided to begin the steroids when I did since yesterday we were nearly blinded out by wildfire smoke from Argentina. The smoke coupled with a bad respiratory virus here has caused asthmatics some major problems. Brandon was no exception and so now he is on breathing treatments too. Isabel was flared up last week but seems to be doing ok in spite of the smoke.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sometimes you feel like a nut...

Winter Warmth
Happy 6th Birthday Nehemiah!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hanging out with Naomi.

Naomi with Silas and behind them is the old entrance to the city of Colonia del Sacramento, complete with a drawbridge and dry moat.
At church, this is Melissa, one of Kaitlin's friends, with Naomi.
These guys are waiting for their birthday presents from Naomi. They got all kinds of goodies. As I write Adeline is enjoying her learn to draw DVD and she's quite the artist.

Adeline enjoys reading to Silas. She takes him to her room, lays him on her bed and reads to him. He loves his story time with her.
Me and Naomi on the lighthouse.
Inside the catholic church in the historic part of Colonia del Sacramento.
Ready to do some sliding. The last time we toured the old city, with Pastor Wagner, the kids discovered that this hill is great fun to slide on. So when we went through with Naomi they could hardly contain themselves and wait for this picture session to be over with. As for me I can't look while they slide. What you can't see it the nearly verticle angle on the hill. No thanks!
Seeing the sights with Naomi

Some things that you should never put in a suitcase.

Friday, April 04, 2008
Preaching Podcasts
In 20 days, no questions asked.
Evidently the 20 days begins when they actually split the file up and start the process. SIGH. He was told that was not done yet. Supposedly they have now split the file and sent ours up to Juridica for the approval process. Once we are granted legal residency we will have our bond released. Also our kids legal residency should be a faster process once we have been granted residency. We would appreciate your prayers for this.
A Place to Call Our Own - Part 3
Certainly the price was ideal and the ability to expand was great. But more certainly God has something different for us. Something more suited to our needs. Of course, that will likely cost more and that means we will need God to provide us with the needed money. That is unless we can find a house with an owner that will finance the loan for us. I have faith that we love and serve a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. We have seen Him provide for our family in ways that only He can. Will He be any different this time? No! He will keep His promises to provide for our needs and He has a plan. We just need to wait on Him until He tells us what to do next. Until then we'll keep praying about where God would have us to live after our lease runs out in November.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Naomi is HERE!!!
She brought lots of goodies with her. I have corn flour to make corn tortillas and our favorite mexican hotsauce - Chalula. We all enjoyed pop tarts this morning and microwave popcorn last night.
The kids now have a real rope swing, which I'm glad for because it worried me when they put the rope over their heads to be able to sit in the rope to swing.
I should have thought to take a picture of everything Naomi brought down with her. But it might just make your mouths water. We would like to give a special thanks to the anonymous individual who bought and sent the HUGE care package with Naomi.
A super BIG thanks goes to Emmanuel Baptist's Sigma team - Nu Delta for the BIG ball they sent to us for use in the ministry here. We can hardly wait to play BIG ball bowling and BIG ball volleyball...and we'll definitely get some pictures. Oh yeah, Nu Delta, you can count your project now. :-)
Well, I'd love to blog some more but I have to find tests to score, and make some pizza dough for lunch and teach Nehemiah school. I'll update you on our immigration status later.