Since I just put the pictures up of the new babies together I thought I would blog about a phenomenom here - baby socks. Uruguayans are greatly concerned over my inability to put a pair of socks of my baby boy. You see everywhere I go, I am posed this question, "Where are his socks?"
One lady, trying to defend my worthiness as a mother, said to another, "Oh, she's North American, they aren't accustomed to socks." Stifling a laugh, I thought of the laundry basket full of the socks I still had to sort. Have I told you I don't like socks??? Socks are a lot of work! Sure they keep your feet warm in the winter, and equally so in the summer, but they really need to find a way to match themselves up with their mates.
This is one cultural difference that seems so silly to me. The looks of serious concern on ladies faces over a missing pair of socks, in the summertime (!), is something I have a hard time taking seriously. I actually did think ladies were joking with me, especially when I overheard one ask where a solely diaper clad baby's socks were. Oh boy! I better keep a pair of socks in the diaper bag in the case of a sock emergency.
Now, for those reading this in the Northern Hemisphere where you are wearing your warmest clothes this January, you must keep in mind we are in the middle of summer and it is warm...too warm for socks. And shoes too. In the States people always gave me a hard time about my shoeless babies. I just couldn't see the point in buying shoes for someone who doesn't even walk. I guess I'm a baby foot accessory rebel. :-)