Ruth and I have desired to have a ladies Sunday school class. But we don't have the room in the church building to have anything more than childrens and an adult class right now. At first I was discouraged about this, knowing that having a regular time to study the Bible and issues particular to women would be beneficial for the Spiritual growth of the ladies here. So I decided to pray about it and the Lord showed me that ladies could meet in our home a couple times a month, or more. I shared the idea with Scott and he was all for it, as were Archie and Ruth.
So, on January 24th I will have my first Ladies Bible study in our home. I'm very excited about this opportunity to minister to the ladies in our church. At first, I will teach through a study I wrote and presented several times in the States during furlough. Are You Leaning is a study of Proverbs 3:5,6 and what it really means when God tells us to trust Him with all our hearts. Not only will this study prepare the hearts of the ladies to study through the book Mentiras que las Mujeres Creen (Lies Woman Believe) by Nancy Leigh DeMoss; it will also give us time to get their copies of the book ordered.
I'm looking forward to the time together with the ladies; we have several ladies who have said they are coming, WOW! I'm also looking forward to the public speaking practice I'll have with Spanish. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy public speaking...even in Spanish.
Pray for our ladies that they will be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Pray that the Lord will prepare their hearts over the next few days. Finally pray for the ladies to be consistent, without a doubt the enemy will discourage them with a bad day, and other trials the days we meet for the study.
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