Today I saw a headline that got me thinking and with Mothers day coming up I thought this was a good time to post.
The Price of a mom: $138,095 hasn't much to say beyond the attempt to take all the jobs a mother performs throughout her day. They limit the resume to only 10 jobs those of "housekeeper, day care center teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, CEO and psychologist." and take the average of those jobs to come up with the salary of a mother.
Personally, I think they left out a few jobs such as nurse, counselor, example/leader to her children how many other "jobs" do we do as mothers each day? If we all got together and brainstormed the list could be endless. Though this article gives SAHM's a value, according to the world, it misses the big picture and focus on the wrong
Maybe SAHM's are more spiritual than I, but my first thought was, "And I don't even get an allowance." My focus was instantly in the wrong place. My allowance
is the blessing of
each of my children. Motherhood is not an easy job, giving birth is enough to make any woman want to quit, but just think of
all the benefits. I get to spend my day with my children, I (and not a daycare worker) get their hugs and kisses. They call
ME mommy, (well, Simeon calls me and all his sisters Mommy, but you get my drift) not another woman who is raising them in my stead.
I get to see their first steps and hear their first words.
I get to play with them and love them.
I get to be their to hear their prayers thanking God.
I get to see them grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
I get to brag on them to others. Blessings beyond measure the worth of a mother is far beyond the price tag of a salary. Thank God for that.
I certainly thank God for my mothers. Now don't go writing me to tell me I wrote in the plural when I should have written in the singular. (Agh, more grammar, yuck!) I meant Mother's, you see God has given me several. In addition to spiritual mothers I have had the privilege of having two life mothers; first and foremost my Mom, Judy, whom God allowed to love and nurture me for 10 years, and when she died tragically at 35 years old, God turned motherhood over to Jay, my second or adopted Mom.
At the time, and for many years thereafter, (I was a horrible teenager) I didn't care at all for this change but now 26 years later I can't imagine my life without Jay. She loved me when others would have turned their back on me. She forgave me for things that none other than God has granted forgiveness for. She rejoices in my good news and mourns with me over my sad news. She has been a tremendous example of love. She is kind, easygoing, understanding, and encouraging. So, Jay, I want you to know your worth is far more than any annual salary and I'm ever so grateful for you! Thank you for being my mom and my children's grandmother. I love you!