Just thought I'd update on our vehicle situation, as you know we've been searching for a van but it has been
hard to come by one that is in good condition, still fairly new and has a great price. Scott found one - this is the same model but not the same year or color- and we went to look at it last week. The owner has a brain tumor and can not come down anymore on the price because the sale of the van is security for his family. So we asked for prayer and God is working. In the past week the Lord has brought in $4500 towards the van, we only need $1500 more.

This is the car we ride to church in as a family. Though this is a picture of only our children with Ruth, and her daughter, I thought you might appreciate it. Usually the oldest six children are in the back seat with Simeon in my lap in the front, and Scott in the drivers seat. It would be nice to have a seat for each of our children especially since we drive right in front of the police station each trip. Plus, Sunday afternoon we pick up 3 adult men and a lady for choir practice. For some reason the guys don't like sitting on each others laps. We've asked them to join us in prayer for the van funds. And we ask you to join us in prayer as well. We look forward to posting a picture of our new van, very soon.
Wow mom I did not realize that Juan Carlos had to sit on David's lap. ¡QuĂ© Asco! Yeah, I can agree with ya, we REALLY need a van :-).
Yeah, Kaitlin, it is quite the sight. One that I would love to get a picture of. Thankfully, they have a good attitude about it all.
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