Thursday, December 03, 2009

Desperate for a Rest.

So I'm taking one!  I have been packing, doing laundry, packing, laundry, packing, cleaning, laundry, cleaning, packing...all day and I'm done in.  And I want some ice-cream.  Silly, isn't it? 

I'm am happy to declare that all the boys and Isabel are pretty much completely packed.  And by completely I mean all the stuff in their rooms too.  I had a mountain of laundry, literally, to get through and the last load is now in the washer.  I got all the "we're not keeping this" stuff put in a place out of the way until it can be dealt with.

I'm really hoping that tomorrow things will be much lighter as far as the packing and cleaning.  I'm also hoping the stress level will be much lighter. 

Several young people have stopped by today to visit and that has been a great diversion for our oldest kids.  And they were a big help too.  I'm so thankful for these teens who desire to be a blessing and serve the Lord through helping to clean and pack. 

Since I'm pretty much brain dead right now and have no idea what all I'm really saying (will this make any sense when I'm not so tired?) I better close this update and get myself some ice-cream.  Here's hoping Scott will read this post in the next few minutes. :-)

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