After a few weeks of work, several changes, some advice, and even more changes we have the final version of our furlough 2010 prayer card. I also made a version of the front in Spanish to give to the people here.
The conversation around here focuses on our furlough as the kids (and their parents) talk about seeing family, and eating in favorite restaurants and shopping at Wal Mart!
Scott has booked about half of our furlough meetings and he has been so pleased with how the Lord is working it all out. Thankfully, we have an additional 3 deputation meetings booked to present our ministry.
Please continue to be in prayer for these last 3 months before we head back to the States. I keep running into road blocks with our presentation. And I still need to work on our display. I have started winnowing out things we don't need to keep so we have less to pack up (clothes, books, etc.) before we leave. We are thankful for close family friends who will stay in our home while we are in the States. They will guard our things and care for our dog, Hoss.
As always we are thankful for and covet your prayers!
We are praying for you and your preparations for furlough!
Yours in Christ,
The Paulichens
Thank you, Paulichens! We hope everything is going well for you all!
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