Today driving up the 90 we headed up to the northern tip of Israel along the Lebanese border. Taking a windy road up to a mountain peak we were able to look down into Lebanon. This is one of many places that the Israel army was keeping guard over the border. Many of the soldiers seemed excited to see us and posed for pictures. I found myself thankful for Israel that they have capable military guarding their borders and keeping them safe. Throughout the years this same area has been under attack from missile attacks. The missiles shot over the mountains from Lebanon would often hit in Israeli neighborhoods.
Over and over again, I'm amazed at the fortitude of the Jewish people. They have suffered such persecution and yet we dare to tell them how to divvy up
their own land. And when they inhabit an area of
their own land promised to them by God, that happens to be in an area
they have graciously allowed the Arabs to live in,
they are told (by our government) they can't build. I find it odd that the neighborhoods and communities they do build are called "settlements", as though they are living in shacks or squatting the land...land they own, land given to
them by God, not by the UN. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Continuing on we arrived in
Dan. Hiking through the forest along the Jordan River we stopped at a little amphitheater by Dan Spring one of the head waters of the Jordan river. It was fascinating to sit and listen to the quiet gurgling of the spring as it came up out of the ground while at the same time we were able to hear the rushing of the Jordan off in the distance.

The area of Dan is not the original allotment of land for the tribe of Dan. The land given to them by God was west of Jerusalem stretching in a kidney shaped band to the Mediterranean Sea. Seeking a place they thought was better for them, one without the trial of the Philistines, they sent sent 5 men out to find a new place for them. Right away they set up graven images. Judges 18. Not only did they leave behind their promise from God and the life He would have given them there but they moved so far from God that they passed their own children through the fire. It was heartbreaking to see the high places that Dan built for the graven images. To see also the alter where they would have sacrificed their own children. Craig Hartman challenged us with the fact that the borders of Israel have never reached beyond where they are at Dan. Our sin will limit, not only ourselves but future generations.

As we walked out of Dan we were taken by an archaeological dig of a 4000 year old arch, known as the oldest arch in the world. It is believed to be made by someone from another country because the arch is made of molded bricks not of limestone or rock.
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)
Caesarea Philippi, also known in Jesus' time as the Gates of Hell, was a fascinating place to visit. The Greeks believed that this is the place where the demons from the netherworld entered our world. It became abundantly clear that when Jesus spoke of the gates of Hell, He was speaking of a literal place and He and Peter were here in Caesarea Philippi. Jesus pointed to the gaping hole in the rock and declared to Peter that the Gates of Hell would not prevail against the church. Something Ariay continues to say is that Jesus is pointing as He speaks. We need to pay attention to what He is pointing at and also to understand why He is pointing.

Ariay pointed out that the land of Israel is a stage for God. On this stage, God is pointing and revealing Himself to the world. The waters of the Jordan come from Mt. Hermon and run the length of Israel finally ending in the Dead Sea and there it dies. The Israelites came to Jericho twice, the first time they backslid and wandered in the desert for 40 years. Coming back to Jericho they faced the temptation to turn back once again but this time they obeyed God's instructions and saw the walls come down. Then they headed West towards Jerusalem to finally inherit the land. We all have the choice that Israel had. Will we believe God and His promise and move forward, will we be content to stay where we are thinking that is God's best for us or will we fall into temptations snare and end up wandering?

Up on the rock face are the remains of 3 temples to false Gods. I thought it interesting that the same type of alcove used in Catholic churches for the placement of their idol Mary, were in these temples. The Mt. Hermon spring also comes from this area. Another of the 3 headwaters into the Jordan river.

Almost a theme of the day, we headed up to the
Golan Heights to look down into Syria. It is remarkable how vital the Golan Heights are to the security of Israel. We were abel to visit a bunker used in the war in 1967. The soldiers in this bunker actually reported that the Syrian Army was gearing up for a strike but because they had signed a peace agreement with Israel the Israeli officials were hesitant to believe that's really what was happening. It is easy to see how tanks and troops could have amassed without Israel being none the wiser.

Our last stop was Gamla. A Jewish stronghold city hidden in the Galilean desert where 5000 Jewish rebels hid from the Romans. After being found out and under siege they decided to commit suicide by jumping off the cliffs rather than become the slaves, or worse, to the Romans.
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