The time of looking forward to summer vacation passed a long time ago. Those days after the last school bell rang for the year were great! Weren't they? Because my birthday is in June summer vacation usually started with a birthday party. I loved getting to play outside. When I started in junior high I joined FFA, so my summer days were filled with getting my animals ready for the Farmers Fair in August.
Now, for me and Scott, summers are filled to the brim with planning and or supervising activities in the church. Summer camp, Vacation Bible School, a wedding, a bridal shower, and the nursery. And that is just the beginning. There's planning for next year that has to be crammed into these short weeks. Bible Insititute, SIGMA, and Ladies Bible Study all have to be organized.
Please be in prayer for us as we work and minister here through the summer. There is so much to do, and so many things on our plates that sometimes it's overwhelming. Much of what we are doing in the planning of the nursery, VBS and SIGMA are 2nd nature to us because we served in these ministries in the States. However, we are training the people here along the way so that these activities, and all the other ministries mentioned before, will become 2nd nature to them and they can continue on without us.
There's a lot of translation work to do. A lot of philosophy to impart. Many decisions to make. And even more to accomplish.
Even though looking at all there is to do is overwhelming, we are so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to serve Him here in Uruguay! Because we know we are serving Him ,we have confidence that "Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
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