Saturday, July 12, 2008

Rather Rosie

At the completion of the ladies study last night, one of our ladies asked if she could say something. One of the things I greatly appreciate is the input of our ladies. It helps me to know their struggles and their victories. Sometimes I even get a glimpse into their hearts and lives and realize that my life is really rather rosie. Often I end up with a much different perspective in life. I also realize how much I still have to learn.

Back to the subject at hand...this lady after sharing her testimony of salvation and resting in the Lord, revealed some difficulties within her marriage. I wish I could elaborate here, what I will say is that it is vitally important that we be in prayer for Olga. Pray for God to work on her behalf, for God to protect her and for her husband, Hugo, to understand God is real and desires to save him. Before we left we organized a prayer chain for Olga. Each lady agreeing to pray daily for Olga at a specified time. Please leave a note in the comment section if you are able and willng to pray for Olga.


Darren & Beth Anne McFadden said...

I will pray for Olga at 8:30 AM CST.

Debbie said...

Thank you Beth Anne! On Sunday Olga told Ruth that she had two of the best days. "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16