Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yielding your rights.

"The fact is, successful relationships and healthy cultures are not built
on the claiming of rights but on the yielding.
Even our traffic laws reflect this principle. You'll never see a
sign that says, "You have the right of way." Instead, the sign instructs
us to "Yield" the right of way. That is how traffic flows best; it
is also how life works best." Lies Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Yielding ones rights doesn't come naturally. Miss DeMoss goes on to point out the 60's birthed turmoil and rebellion based on the philosophy of claiming our rights. Even though I grew up in the 70's and 80's that philosophy was one that I had fed to me by my teachers, parents, friends. I believed, and often attempted, the "anything you can do I can do better." One of the most difficult lessons I have had to learn in my Christian life is that of yielding my rights not only to those around me, but especially and most importantly so to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I have seen first hand how the mindset of the typical Uruguayan woman is rooted in the claiminng of her rights. It is common and quite natural here that a child comes before the husband - even when that child is grown and has children of their own. And then the grandchildren take the place of the most important. I certainly appreciate the love they have for children and the value they give them. It is something I believe we need more of. But things have gone to an extreme here. There is a very vague idea of submission to ones husband but that is only after the wife submits to here children or grandchildren.

Thursday night I believe the Lord wanted me to teach the ladies on the lie of "I have my rights!" At the time I had no idea why. Really, I figured it was because I still struggle in this area. Selfishness is plastered all over my heart. After I opened the class for discussion the challenges, agreements, and questions were, well, they were astonishing, perplexing, and sometimes cries for help to understand.

I wish I could tell you all about our ladies but I don't want to violate their confidence by blabbing to the world all they dared to share with me and Ruth. I will say that they need your prayers. Ruth and I need your prayers. Submission, yielding your rights, can be a breaking point for many marriages. And we have seen some marriages here collapse because the wives will not submit. I ask that you pray that the women in our church, and others we come into contact with, will allow the Lord to build their house. That they will have confidence and faith in God that He loves them and wants the best for them. When they follow His way His blessing will be upon them and their marriages.

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