The past few days have blessed us with warm pleasant weather. Much different than the freezing weather we had this time last year. With this warm weather we have had some heat storms. Tonight's was exceptional! Scott was picking me and Silas up from the hospital (for vaccinations) when we saw an enormous storm approaching. I wish I would have had my camera with me because it was actually pretty the way it hovered over the water of the river. The front and bottom edges of the clouds had an orange glow. And the contrast of the river water, a tannish brown, against the cloud color, a dark grayish black made it even more spectacular.
After the hospital visit we had get people to drop people off at the Perez' and pick up Bethany from her piano lesson there. The brunt of the storm hit about halfway to the Perez' home. I've never been in a hail storm so bad. The ground was covered with hail ranging in size from grapes to baseballs. (Note: the above photo is borrowed from the web and best shows what the ground here looked like.) I was shielding the baby's eyes from the glass that I just knew was going to fly in on us. Thankfully, it didn't and we are fine but I'm sure there are some pretty dented cars and people tonight. We felt so badly for the people on foot and motos.
Church had to be cancelled because the storm broke windows at the church as well as windows on our bus. We have some sky-light windows in our house that I'm surprised didn't break but I'm glad they're still in tact.
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