"You are becoming today, what you will be tomorrow."
"It has been well said that the future is with the disciplined...He is able to lead because he has conquered himself." J. Oswald Sanders
"You can't separate what's on the inside from what's on the outside. The external is a reflection of the heart. Modesty involves more than just our clothing. It includes our attitudes, the way we talk, and our behavior - how we walk, use our eyes, engage with others, etc." Nancy Leigh DeMoss from The Style Quiz
"Purity is an issue of the heart -- Behavior is determined by where the heart is set." Elizabeth George in A Woman's High Calling
A comparison study of the strange woman in Proverbs chapters 7, 9 and the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 were foundational for the above quotes used in my lessons, A Pattern for Life. Throughout the week of teen camp I was able to present the Biblical truth of modesty to the girls. I focused greatly on the heart and when our heart is right with the Lord we are willing to do as He asks. Our desires come second to what He wants for our lives.
Our churches ought to be a refuge for our fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, where they are not forced to avert their eyes because of what we wear. What we say should be respectful and edifying. How we behave should be ladylike and appropriate. These helpful hints were well received. I saw girls putting their hands at the tops of their blouses as they bent forward. They were checking their tops with the 3 finger "rule". They carried themselves more gracefully. Their speech towards the adults more respectful. And their behavior was more ladylike. The girls even asked me to show them how to put on make up.
I'm really thankful I had this opportunity to teach the girls. I know that many of the principles I taught them are considered personal preference. However, I trust, and hope, that they will grow in the Lord as a result of my teaching on the heart. I pray that their hearts are set on the Lord. Now the ball is in my court because the girls are definitely watching me...will I keep my heart set on the Lord, am I able to lead because I have conquered myself?
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