Friday, August 31, 2007

Say what?

I just received the list of what I need to take to the hospital for the birth of Silas. And Scott thought I should share what the online translator has done with the list. I sure hope the translator is wrong, after all this is my eighth child and for the life of me I can't figure out what a pair of averages is, let alone why Silas would need them. Hmmm.

pelele - puppet
batita nansú - little robe cloth
bata algodón - robe cotton
rebozo - wrap
par de medias - pair of averages
par de escarpines que no sean ceñidos - pair of pointed shoes that are not too tight
conjunto de lana o hilo según la estación - set of wool or thread as the station


Anonymous said...

medias = socks? no?

Anonymous said...

was I right?

Debbie said...

Yes! I actually knew what they were but wanted to see what the translator had to say - I was not disappointed. :-)

It did take some investigating to discover that a pelele is not a puppet but baby pants of sorts; escarpines are booties; and the last on the list was an outfit. IN this particular case anyway.