Those of you who follow my blog will remember that we used SIGMA in Uruguay. The program we modeled ours from is the one featured in the blog.
Every year in the Spring Emmanuel Baptist Church holds their Youth Awards Banquet. The youth staff decides upon a theme and later goes to work to transform the gym into an entirely different place. In years past the gym became an ocean bottom, castle court, winter wonderland and this year it was a large cave complete with hanging boulders and bridges, water falls and spiders, and hidden treasure.
The young people all attend in formal attire. The ladies always wear formal gowns while the young men are now taking to donning tuxes. When we knew we would be in the area for the banquet we decided to start looking for a dress for Kaitlin. We got this at a Goodwill for $6! The shawl was $12. I made her necklace around the medallion that my step mom gave her for Christmas. Her necklace was about the same. Brandon's suit was decidedly more expensive but we were also getting him set up for college, so technically it was a twofer. :-)
Kaitlin and Brandon looked so nice!Kaitlin with some of the other young ladies.
The Nu Delta team giving out their teams character award. In years past it has been individuals this year it was the team as a whole. You can see the stage area decorations.

I think this picture turned our better than the serious ones.
Here are more pictures of the decorations...