Monday, November 27, 2006
In addition, an absolutely amazing thing has just occurred, we just rented our house. We are all jubilant!
Thank you all for praying!!! A missionary friend of ours said that God was working on our behalf at the 11th hour. Boy, oh boy, she had no idea.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Our new house in Uruguay.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Madi is home!
This entry is actually an email sent to me by Madi's Grandma. For those who don't know Madi has spent the last year and a half battling brain cancer. I'm sure everyone who has been praying for her for these past months will enjoy reading this post.
When their car turned the corner and headed down the street to home today Madi's unsolicited response was: "Thank you God for bringing me home safely."
We are a very happy family this evening. Madi is finally home and healthy. She was greeted today by a special friend, as you can see in the picture, a multitude of balloons, and many many welcome home cards. Just watching her today it seemed I was watching the little girl from a year and a half ago. She was laughing while watching a movie, smiling for no apparent reason, and even walking with the special swing of her right arm that she used to do. She very seldom expressed what she was feeling these past months but the visible change I noted today made me wonder what went on in her little head all this time.
Thank you all for your kindness and prayers, Rosalie
For instance, we will miss getting to meet believers who have a heart for missions. We will miss the opportunity of ministering, though we have gained a new one with our departure for the field. We will miss the fellowship with North Americans around the dinner table. I will miss eating out. Bethany will miss hunting me down and finding me in the mission closets of churches.
On the other hand, we will not miss the hours of driving, or riding, as the case may be, and the mechanical problems and failures of older vans. Scott will not miss eating out. The kids will not miss the first day of school every Sunday. Though our kids travel really well we will not miss the bathroom stops or changing a baby’s diaper on the van seat. Believe me; anything is better than some changing tables. Finally, we won’t miss being constantly tired.
I don’t want to end on the negative so I want to praise God that He has protected us in the over 80,000 miles of travel. That He has raised all of our financial support and brought us along the path of tremendous prayer warriors. I praise Him for the many new friends we have, and for the deeper burden to reach the lost in Uruguay with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For the many lessons we learned which strengthened us for the task ahead we praise the Lord. This is a very exciting time in our lives and we are honored and thrilled that God has chosen to use us.
Did I already mention that deputation is over? WOOOOHOOOOO!!!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Container Packing

If you've never helped a missionary pack a container, we would highly recommend it for the experience alone. I can't begin to tell you the amount of hours that went into the preparation of getting our earthly belongings ready to be packed into the container. What I can tell you is that it must have felt like the end of a long day's work for South Park Baptist as they are the ones who did much of the staging and prep work. Scott and Brandon were able to help while we were in town but the church still had work days while we were in meetings.
A prayer request for everything to go smoothly was certainly answered. It was amazing to be a part of the sweet spirit of the many men, ladies and teens who showed up to help load the container. There were times when we were all working so well with eachother to get things passed up to the men in the container they had to slow us down. The day was wet and cold yet no one complained. One of the families even brought their video and still cameras to capture the morning's events. I'm glad for that as both our video and still cameras didn't have charged batteries. All in all it was a great experience shared with wonderful friends!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Satan is a Vulture
Yesterday marked our final deputation missions conference. Since I have been writing about the conferences we've been in, I thought the illustration Pastor Rouse of Mountain View Baptist used was very powerful and must be passed on.
The Pulitzer Prize winning photo at left was taken by a South African photojournalist. The story is told that once he took this photo he got back in his vehicle and left the dying child to the vulture. Seeing only a photo opportunity he never thought to spare the child of the impending death. Some months later he was asked what happened to the child and later took his own life for the reality of what he had done was too much to bear.
How often do we walk into a store, or spend time with our friends and family, feel the pricking of the Holy Spirit to share Christ, yet we go on with our lives, never seeing beyond ourselves? All the while the vulture waits to consume them!
Oh, Lord, help us to see that those around us are dying and in need of salvation thorugh Jesus Christ. Help us not to forget that there is indeed a cause. May we shine forth your light so the world may know you.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
October 2006 Borrmann Beacon
· Our house must RENT.
· The remainder of our support $57.00/month and O&P funds of $8,500.
· We have 98.91% of our support
· Departure date set for December 4th
· Adeline was cleared of all possible lung diseases, allergic asthma is the culprit.
· God giving us knowledge through Adeline’s allergies which protected Isabel from a deadly allergic reaction
Have you ever had one of those days where nothing turned out quite like you expected? In a very good way, we are having one of those weeks. It all began after our commissioning service when our Pastor suggested Scott look into ticket prices. After being quoted an amount $5,000 less than our budget we were given the green light to buy our tickets!!! We get to leave for Uruguay from Chicago O’Hare on December 4th. WOW!
Earlier this month we were given the go ahead to rent the house. Ideally, we would love to sell but are content to rent. We have put ads in the local papers and have already had many inquiries. Since God has led us to take this step of faith we know He will take care of this need.
It is hard to believe that our day of commissioning has already come and gone and now we have set a departure date. Scott’s Dad, Step Mom and brother and Debbie’s adopted Mom were able to make it for the day. In addition, there were several visitors from supporting churches.
Scott preached Sunday School and then the evening service. Our Pastor preached the morning service and the deacons laid hands on Scott and commissioned us for missionary service. We were given various gifts and presented with $11,000 for our outfit and passage. Debbie made a multimedia presentation about our time on deputation; please email us if you would like a copy.
At the end of the day everyone took hold of a rope that encircled the first several pews. Attached to the main rope were smaller ropes that our family held. This was to be a visual reminder of how they hold the ropes for us. We trust God was at work in the hearts and lives of all who was there. And we praise Him for the privilege of being His ambassadors to Uruguay.
Adeline is allergic to nearly everything in Michigan. Hopefully, our move will help relieve many of her symptoms. The other tests cleared her of any lung diseases including Cystic Fibrosis, Praise God! So we are dealing with allergic asthma. We are now using a peak flow meter which helps us “see” the condition of her lungs. Already we have been able to catch a couple of flare ups before they occurred.
Deputation weekend got off to a rough start when Isabel, our 3 year old, had an anaphylactic reaction. We were on our way home from getting Debbie’s adopted Mom at the airport and stuck in rush hour traffic. Thankfully, Scott was taking a different route home which “happened” to take us right by a hospital. If it hadn’t have been for Adeline’s allergies we never would have known what was happening with Isabel. Isabel now has an appointment on October 31st for allergy testing.
We were asked for specific prayer requests as we prepare to leave and the list is below. Please know that we still are not done, we still need support and outfit and passage money. As well as money for other expenses, not included in O&P, needed to get us to the field. For example, the house rental ad costs us $53.00 per week and paperwork expenses. God will provide! Thank you for praying!
1. We need a renter for the house.
2. We need $8,500 O&P
3. We need 1.2% or $57/month support
4. There is a lot of paper work - insurance forms, packing lists, container shipping, and legal stuff to get filled out really fast. Pray we will be efficient and correct.
5. There are a few more things that need to be packed.
6. There are some things we still need to purchase - sofa, chair, 4 full size mattresses, bedding, and wardobes/armoirs. Pray God would provide the funds or the items needed.
7. Everything for our container must be to Indiana around the first of November. Pray for help to load and unload the moving truck.
8. We still have some meetings through the middle of November. Pray that we will be able to set aside the rush of the move to be a blessing to the people in the churches we will be ministering in.
9. We need to get a years supply of all the medicines we need for Adeline and Brandon. Pray the insurance company we have now will let this go through without any problems. Pray especially for the Xopenex (zo-pen-ex) to go through as this is a very expensive asthma drug and they always give us a hard time for a one month supply.
10. We found out we will be taxed on the “Big Tent” it could be up to 50% of the value pray for the tax to be minimal.
11. Overall, we see how much God has already done for us and He has ALWAYS proven Himself faithful. Pray we will keep our focus on Him. Pray for all of us as the reality that we are really moving sinks in.
This all really is so exciting and we are so thankful to God for our prayer warriors. We look forward to updating you soon on all the answers to prayer.
Uruguay Bound on December 4th,
Scott and Debbie Borrmann
BWM Missionaries to Uruguay